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The Rumsey Hall School Heritage Society

Create a Lasting Legacy that Enriches the Lives of Rumsey Students Today and Tomorrow

Planned gifts to Rumsey Hall School enable you to create a legacy contribution that will have a powerful impact beyond your lifetime—securing the chance for a new generation of students to experience a Rumsey education. Bequests and other forms of planned philanthropy invested in the Endowment remain a permanent part of the School’s financial foundation. A growing number of constituents in the Rumsey Family are including the School in their long range planning to make a lasting difference.

Bequests or gifts may be made through your estate by including a provision in your will or living trust, or by naming Rumsey as a beneficiary of a Retirement Plan or Life Insurance Policy. The amount gifted to the School can be expressed as a dollar amount or as a percentage of the assets to be allocated. No bequest is too small. A Charitable Remainder Trust (CRT) provides donors as beneficiaries of annual income payments during their lifetimes. The remaining assets will be invested in Rumsey’s Endowment in perpetuity. A CRT is an excellent vehicle for gifts of appreciated stock or property, since the trust is tax exempt and does not incur capital gains tax when assets are sold.

Please let us know if you have included Rumsey in your estate plans. We would like to thank you for your generosity, make sure the purpose of your gift is understood by the School, and acknowledge your wishes by welcoming you to the Rumsey Hall School Heritage Society.

Choosing the right planned gift depends on your personal financial goals as determined by consultation with your financial, tax, or legal advisor. Please contact Director of Advancement Ben Pastor P’27, ’29 at to help facilitate your wishes.

Thank you for your consideration.


Rumsey Hall Heritage Society
Carlo Bilotti P’08 
Tillie P. Laird and Hunter Brown
Former Board Chairman P.W. Tate Brown P’76, ’77, ’78, ’81 
Jane Dobbins ’58
Shelley Emmer P’98
Ashley and Thomas Farmen P’97, ’99
Christian Frahm ’85
Sang Chul Han P’04, ’05
Carl Hilgenberg P’52 
Jonathan Jenkins ’68
Former Trustee Karen Johnson P’07
Margaret T. M. Jones P’68, ’69
Barbara and Leonard Littman P’88
Henry Long GP’00,’01,’06
Pamela and William MacMullen P’10, ’12
Deborah Schultz ’73 Mulligan
Nanci Northway P’04
Thomas Rockwell ’44
Mary-Hyde Ryan 
Deborah Schultz ’73
William Schutte ’33
Former Trustee Barbara Seibert P’92 
Mary Seymour Wastcoat P’68 
Mark Sozzi ’74
Sandra Sparrow P’84 
Barbara Utting P’07
Kenneth Utting P’07
John Wastcoat 
Thomas Wolff P’66,’ 68